June 2nd at 2:24pm

If you are an online seller wishing to minimise your returns and work towards eventually eliminating them, here are a few tips that will assist you in the process:  Send out crystal clear information: Write a thorough product description that delves into all of the specifications of your product. It will help the buyer in making an informed decision.Product Images: Product images play a significant role in the online purchase decision as it is the only way a buyer can inspect a product in detail.Customer testimonials: Customer reviews directly increase the overall credibility and reliability of your product. It gives…

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May 26th at 11:43pm

Good return policies strike a balance between bolstering consumer trust in your products and minimizing profit loss. Your return policy isn’t just a box to tick off—it actually says something about your brand. If your policy is too strict, it engenders doubt in your products and you. Too complex, and it puts up roadblocks to purchase. Too technical sounding and you seem duplicitous. Customers expect at least 30 days to return an online purchase. But only 5% of shoppers say they return online orders more than 30 days after purchase. Being lenient with return time limits (e.g., a 60-day vs. 30-day policy) can actually decrease returns by creating less urgency…

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March 10th at 10:54pm

A sales strategy is an approach to selling that allows an organization’s sales force to position the company and its product(s) to target customers in a meaningful, differentiated way. Most strategies involve a detailed plan of best practices and processes set out by management. There are two primary types of sales strategies: inbound and outbound. In outbound sales — the legacy system of most sales teams — companies base their sales strategy on seller actions. They rely on manually-entered data to monitor the sales pipeline and coach their salespeople, and they run sales and marketing independently, creating a disjointed experience for buyers. Top Sales Management Strategies for Sales Teams One-on-One Coaching. Encourage…

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November 4th at 11:22pm

One of the most difficult transitions for leaders to make is the shift from doing to leading. As a new manager you can get away with holding on to work. Peers and bosses may even admire your willingness to keep “rolling up your sleeves” to execute tactical assignments. But as your responsibilities become more complex, the difference between an effective leader and a super-sized individual contributor with a leader’s title is painfully evident. This is why is very important to learn how to delegate your business responsibilities. To delegate is to assign responsibility and authority to someone else in order to…

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October 28th at 11:15pm

Just because your business is small, it doesn’t mean your clients have to be small too. In fact, landing large corporate clients can give a huge boost to a small business’s revenues. Small companies that were suppliers to large corporations reported average revenue growth of 266.4% between one year before and two years after their first sale to a large corporation. Here’s a quick guide that can help you finding the larger accounts you are looking for. Identify Opportunities. If you want to go after a large client, you’ll probably need to adjust your approach. Research Your First Target. Now it’s…

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October 21st at 11:09pm

A smart CEO understands the inherent value of goal setting in steering a growing business in the right direction.  Not all goal-setting is equally effective. Learning to set the right goals – and learning how to best achieve them – takes time, practice, and a little bit of guidance.  Six Steps for Setting Business Goals Define Quantifiable Goals. The first step in setting business goals is determining exactly what you want to accomplish. Make your Goals Specific. Once again, make sure your business goals aren’t too vague. Commit to your Goals. Make your Goals Public. Set a Deadline. Reward Yourself. The reality is, a growing…

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