December 16th 2019 at 6:25pm Published by firstdownadmin

Tai Lopez (born on April 11, 1977) is an American entrepreneur, investor, motivational speaker, and online personality based in Los Angeles, California. Tai Lopez’s life story and businesses put him on a crash course toward success. There may have been detours along the way, but he always felt like his destiny was to find a good life. Then his goal shifted to help others find their dreams as well.
Lopez was born in Long Beach, CA. His mother and grandmother raised him since his father was imprisoned while he was growing up. The entrepreneurial spirit was strong in him from early on, starting his first business when he was six years old selling cherry tomatoes.
Tai Lopez went on to become a Certified Financial Planner. He worked in the world of finance before becoming a founder, investor, Keynote Speaker, advisor, or mentor to more than 20 multi-million dollar businesses. He also runs a podcast “The Grand Theory of Everything” and a Youtube channel. He is the owner of the largest book-shipping club in the world, has interviewed numerous celebrities, and to-date has over 10 million followers and subscribers across social media.
Tai Lopez grew up in an economically disadvantaged neighborhood. Instead of making friends, he discovered that reading books provided a release from the world. Even today, he claims that he reads at least one book daily because of this habit. His advice and mentorship is followed by millions of business people and aspiring entrepreneurs,.
May his quotes inspire you to live to a higher standard and live a better quality of life.

“Health. Wealth. Love. Happiness.” Tai Lopez
“Double down on what’s working. Cut the rest.” Tai Lopez
“It’s basically impossible to teach someone if they aren’t curious about the subject. This is where modern schooling goes wrong.” Tai Lopez
“Make a list of the people you admire and what makes them amazing. Then go out and become those things yourself.” Tai Lopez
“To create real wealth, make someone else wealthy first. This is the law of the mentor/apprentice.” Tai Lopez
“The current education system forgot, you have to inspire kids. You can’t just lecture them.” Tai Lopez
“Your life should be dominated by only one main fear: not fully optimizing today. That’s the healthiest fear in the world.” Tai Lopez
“If all you do is look forward to the weekend, holidays and time away from your job, you have a serious problem.” Tai Lopez
“If I could have one super power, without a doubt, it would be the ability to stay cool under intense pressure. What could be more important?” Tai Lopez
“To get what you want, you have to deserve what you want.” Tai Lopez
“Everybody wants the good life, but not everybody gets the good life.” Tai Lopez
“Everything wrong in your life is just a sign. A signal to change. Be humble enough to bow your knee and listen and act.” Tai Lopez
“A book a day makes the bills go away.” Tai Lopez
Tai Lopez Book Club – Recommended books https://www.tailopez.com/books