Des Moines is the capital and the most populous city in the U.S. state of Iowa. It was incorporated on September 22, 1851, as Fort Des Moines, which was shortened to "Des Moines" in 1857. It is on and named after the Des Moines River, which likely was adapted from the early French name, Rivière des Moines, meaning "River of the Monks". The city's population was 216,853 as of the 2018 population estimate.
The City of Des Moines is a great place to do business. Des Moines is a vibrant city that’s home for many global financial services and insurance companies, driving innovation in agriculture biotechnology. Iowa’s capital city tops several notable national rankings as one of the best places to live and most affordable places to do business.
Des Moines’ workforce enjoys one of the shortest average commute times in the nation, a wonderful education system and affordable housing options.
The City of Des Moines is a cultural center for Iowa and home to several art and history museums and performing artsgroups. The Des Moines Performing Arts routinely hosts Broadway shows and other live professional theater. Its president and CEO, Jeff Chelsvig, is a member of the League of American Theatres and Producers, Inc. The Temple for Performing Arts and Des Moines Playhouse are other venues for live theatre, comedy, and performance arts.
The Des Moines Metro Opera has been a cultural resource in Des Moines since 1973. The Opera offers educational and outreach programs and is one of the largest performing arts organizations in the state. Ballet Des Moines was established in 2002. Performing three productions each year, the Ballet also provides opportunities for education and outreach.
The Des Moines Symphony performs frequently at different venues. In addition to performing seven pairs of classical concerts each season, the Symphony also entertains with New Year's Eve Pops and its annual Yankee Doodle Pops concerts.
Des Moines offers numerous financial incentives to retain and attract business. At First Down Funding, we provide a quick and easy way to obtain funds for your Des Moines business needs, whether it is a long term funding package or a short term cash funding, our professional and experienced staff are here to help you promptly and accurately. Contact us if you have any questions or conveniently apply online for expedite processing. Need small businesss funding in Des Moines? call First Down Funding.