Georgia has 722,089 small businesses, according to the most current federal data available. Of those 722,089 small businesses in Georgia, 198,271 have employees. The remaining 523,818 are Georgia small businesses that have no employees.
The state of Georgia is a welcoming home for entrepreneurs. There are one million small businesses in Georgia, and the state often ranks among the best in the country for a strong business climate and for women and minority business owners. Although starting a small business in Georgia is pretty easy, getting capital is often more challenging. Fortunately, there are several local government entities and nonprofit organizations that extend Small Business Funding to Georgia-based businesses.
Georgia has seen many ups and downs in the past few years, but the small business scene in the state of Georgia is blossoming. By the end of 2015, there were 982,112 small businesses in Georgia, or 97.7 percent, with 1.5 million of those Georgia small businesses being employers or 44 percent.
First Down Funding is one of the top options for obtaining Small Business Funding in Georgia