Honest, Easy to Understand, No Hidden Costs or Catches
September 19th 2019 at 12:50pm Published by firstdownadmin
As a small business owner – I hate debt and like to stay as liquid as possible at all times and self-finance my growth. Honestly there is nothing that compares to First Down Funding. This is designed for businesses with great profitability that are looking to grow and occasionally have limited funds to fund future growth or that can’t miss inventory purchase. You really feel in control of your advances – great for budgeting – you never feel like you are swimming in finance charges and minimum payments. First Down Funding is nothing like the typical Credit Card processor loan offers or small business advance offers. They really are different; they have a new way of calculating eligibility and they are truly helping the small business owners. I’ve been a consistent customer for going on two years now – I Love First Down Funding