COVID-19 Small Business Funding Update Centre
COVID-19 Small Business Funding Update Centre
We’ve gathered sources from around the web to help your business remain resilient.
First Down Funding is committed to helping American small businesses during hard and unpredictable times, we want our clients and small business community to stay safe and healthy. We have prepared some important information below and resources regarding COVID-19. Click on the tabs below to access these resources. We will continue to update this page as more insights become available.
First Down Funding Continues to Fund Small Business Owners Through Covid-19
With thousands of small business owners across America, in all 50 States & D.C., considering closing its doors for good due to COVID-19, First Down Funding has extended several funding programs with personalized small business funding options.
Unlike traditional big bank financing, Funding Approvals & Payment Schedules for all Small Business Funding options are reduced when your business is experiencing slower months and a steep decline in revenue & deposits.
Contact First Down Funding today and find out if this is the right funding solution for Small Business.
Speak with one of our Funding Managers today. Call Toll Free (833) FDFUNDING or email us at
IRS extends tax filing deadline to July 15 – CNBC news Mar 20 2020
Chase cardholders could have payments deferred – CNBC news Mar 20 2020
Bank of America will allow borrowers to pause their mortgage payments – housing wire March 19, 2020 Passes Paid-Leave Bill to Combat Pandemic – Politico Mar 18 2020
The President’s Coronavirus Guidelines for America – 15 Days to Slow the Spread
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers the most up-to-date information on COVID-19. This interim guidance is based on what is currently known about the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For updates from CDC, please see the following:
- Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers to Plan and Respond to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
- Preventing Stigma Related to COVID-19
- Share Facts about COVID-19
- CDC Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Web page
- Information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Prevention, Symptoms and FAQ
The following interim guidance may help prevent workplace exposures to acute respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19, in non-healthcare settings. The guidance also provides planning considerations if there are more widespread, community outbreaks of COVID-19.
To prevent stigma and discrimination in the workplace, use the guidance described below and on the CDC’s Guidance for Businesses and Employers web page.
Navigating financial help when leaving an abusive relationship
Health and government officials are working together to maintain the safety, security, and health of the American people. Small businesses are encouraged to do their part to keep their employees, customers, and themselves healthy.
- Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program
- Guidance for Businesses and Employers
- SBA Products and Resources
- Government Contracting
- Local Assistance
COVID-19 update and resources
When facing uncertainty or crisis, identifying reliable and timely sources of information is critical to making responsible decisions. The recent outbreak of COVID-19 has raised global concerns that will have both short-term and long-term impacts.
What is COVID-19?
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), COVID-19 is the infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus. This new virus and disease were unknown before the outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, tiredness, and dry cough. Some patients may have aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat or diarrhea. These symptoms are usually mild and begin gradually. Some people become infected but don’t develop any symptoms and don’t feel unwell. Most people (about 80%) recover from the disease without needing special treatment. Around 1 out of every 6 people who gets COVID-19 becomes seriously ill and develops difficulty breathing. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like high blood pressure, heart problems or diabetes, are more likely to develop serious illness. People with fever, cough and difficulty breathing should seek medical attention.
On 30 January 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) met and determined that the outbreak is a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). You can read the full statement, as well as view the press conference recording. The transcript of the press conference can also be found on the WHO website. On 11 March 2020, the WHO assessed that COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic.
CDC is responding to an outbreak of respiratory illness caused by a novel (new) coronavirus. The outbreak first started in Wuhan, China, but cases have been identified in a growing number of other locations internationally, including the United States. In addition to CDC, many public health laboratories are now testing for the virus that causes COVID-19.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the U.S. | CDC
U.S. State by State information updates
COVID-19 Coronavirus Resource Center
FAQs about Coronavirus and COVID-19
What is coronavirus? What is COVID-19?
What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
What can I do to prevent myself and others from getting coronavirus?
How can I prepare myself and family for possible quarantine or isolation?
What should I do if I feel sick?
If a loved one gets sick, how can I care for them?
What do phrases like “community spread” and “social distancing” mean?
Questions about coronavirus or COVID-19? Click here.
Mental Health and COVID-19 – Information and Resources
Moving and Shaking: How to Minimize Anxiety During a Move
Managing Mental Health During COVID-19

Speak to one of our qualified and seasoned Small Business Funding Managers to better understand what funding options and approvals we have for your small business.