November 27th 2019 at 11:01pm Published by firstdownadmin

Preparing for Black Friday and Cyber Monday can be stressful for many business owners as changing marketing campaigns, and adjusting processes for an influx of extra traffic, sales and returns, etc. Overall is an opportunity for most industries, so here are some tips on how to adjust for these important dates:
Drive traffic and make sales!
- Start your deals in the days leading up to Black Friday/Cyber Monday.
- Market your sale through all your channels.
- Offer flexible returns.
- Offer a free gift with purchase.
- Hold a Black Friday and/or Cyber Monday event.
- Take part in Small Business Local Events (local Saturday events).
It is not too late to get in on the Black Friday and Cyber Monday action! Your customers and clients will expect deals, and with some quick planning, you can still give them what they want.

Important facts:
- Most purchases are made with tablets and mobile phones, so have your site mobile ready
- 90% of users that plan to shop online compare deals and discounts so make sure your offer is competitive with other shops.
- 61% of shoppers will start searching in the days leading Black Friday and Cyber Monday. So be ready to start your campaign early.
- Men spend roughly 50% more than women.
- 83% of those who live with their family or are homeowners will spend double the amount than those that live in rented apartments.
- Online sales have increased in average 600 % early after year
- Shoppers in America spend an average of $515 on these two discount dates combined.
Resources for Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals: