October 21st 2013 at 11:09pm Published by firstdownadmin

A smart CEO understands the inherent value of goal setting in steering a growing business in the right direction.  Not all goal-setting is equally effective. Learning to set the right goals – and learning how to best achieve them – takes time, practice, and a little bit of guidance. 

Six Steps for Setting Business Goals

  1. Define Quantifiable Goals. The first step in setting business goals is determining exactly what you want to accomplish. 
  2. Make your Goals Specific. Once again, make sure your business goals aren’t too vague. 
  3. Commit to your Goals. 
  4. Make your Goals Public. 
  5. Set a Deadline. 
  6. Reward Yourself.

The reality is, a growing business will have more than just a few goals. That’s when a vigilant focus and a commitment to organization comes into play.

Ultimately, your goals are only as effective as the systems, resources, and people driving progress. With a plan that encompasses the four aspects of goal-setting discussed above, you can better implement initiatives that will lead to business success.