June 11th 2012 at 8:48pm Published by firstdownadmin

Negativity is an increasing problem in the workplace. Negativity is often the result of a loss of confidence, control, or community. Knowing what people are negative about is the first step in solving the problem.
Remember that the best way to combat workplace negativity is to keep it from occurring in the first place.
1. Control Over Their Job
Provide opportunities for people to make decisions about and control and influence their job.
2. Opportunity to Express Opinions
Make opportunities available for people to express their opinion about workplace policies and procedures.
3. Use Consistent Fair Treatment
Treat people as adults with fairness and consistency. Develop and publicize workplace policies and procedures that organize work effectively.
4. Provide Trust and Respect
Treat your employees as if they are trustworthy and worthy of your respect—because they are.
5. Target Punishment and Rules
Do not create rules for all employees when just a few people are violating the norms.
6. Be Inclusive
Help people feel included—each person wants to have the same information as quickly as everyone else. .
7. Provide Opportunity for Growth
Afford people the opportunity to grow and develop. Training, perceived opportunities for promotions, lateral moves for development, and cross-training are visible signs of an organization’s commitment to staff.
8. Be a Leader
Provide appropriate leadership and a strategic framework, including mission, vision, values, and goals.
9. Give Recognition
Provide appropriate rewards and recognition so people feel their contribution is valued.