October 4th 2010 at 7:38pm Published by firstdownadmin

Properly separating professional and private life is important. It ensures that you get enough rest, and can attend to both personal and work needs. It is also necessary for good mental and physical health. Maintaining a work/life balance has become increasingly difficult because of modern technological advances and changes in work patterns. However, establishing boundaries and setting aside time for your most important needs is possible.
Those who set clear boundaries between work and home experience less conflict between the two domains. In other words, segmenters are able to give enough of their time and energy to both areas in order to be and feel successful.
Tips for striking the right work-home balance:
- Clearly communicate your preferences. Make sure you communicate your preferences for boundaries between work and home to your family and coworkers (both your peers and the people you supervise).
- Use tools and technology in a way that matches your preferences. If you prefer separating work from home, you can use separate work and personal email accounts or phone numbers and turn off notifications on work devices while at home.
- Manage your time. If you prefer separating work from home, stick to a strict work schedule or only check emails during work hours. You can also block off specific times in your calendar for strictly non-work, family, or friend time.
- Manage your physical workspace. If you prefer blending work and home life, you can hang up photos of your friends or family in your workspace.