March 15th 2010 at 11:37pm Published by firstdownadmin

With millions, if not billions, of businesses trying to make a name for themselves, having a strong brand has become crucial for businesses to differentiate themselves from their competitors. If you’re working to develop your first brand identity for a client, or you’re doing this for your own business, it’s important to first understand what a brand is and what it takes to create one. See important check list for your business in order to create the right image and brand:

  1. Determine your brand’s target audience.
  2. Establish a brand mission statement.
  3. Research brands within your industry niche.
  4. Outline the key qualities and benefits your brand offers.
  5. Create a brand logo and tagline.
  6. Form your brand voice.
  7. Build a brand message and elevator pitch.

If you want your brand to succeed and thrive in the future, you need to build a brand identity that accurately conveys your essence and is flexible enough to evolve with you.